
I have been busy working with the Caputh Village Hall to find signs for the backs of our chairs as a reward from our Crowdfunder. `I have been, therefore, thinking a lot about signs. But, not just physical signs…emotional….spiritual.

A sign conveys information- sometimes it is prefixed and set like the name of a house, sometimes it is leading you from a to b like a sign post and sometimes it is something more abstract, like the shape of a heart in the sky.

Signs sometimes come about as a reaction to something we have done, like eating too many chocolates gives you spots. Sometimes they can be just the break we need like seeing a swallow being a sign we should spread our wings too.

The thing is signs, or secret messages can be found in everything we see. No two people look on the same view, the same animal or the same flower in the same way. It is a sign of our uniqueness that our perceptions of the world are particular to us. We carry signs with us wherever we go in the world; signs of your Schooling, your family, your home life affects what you then project onto the world yourself. From the moment a baby is conceived people look for signs- signs of whether it might be a boy or a girl. The baby is born and people look for signs of greatness, signs of what the baby might go on to do. Signs are thrust upon us from the conception of our life and, if we aren’t careful we can let the signs overwhelm us sometimes, we can follow the signs of someone elses life rather than staying true to our own. Sometimes there can be signs pointing in so many different directions it is difficult to know which one to follow. That is when you need the inner sign, the inner belief and faith that every decision you take and make is the right one for you and will be leading you down the path you were destined to follow.

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